STDs and Genital Lesions NYC New York NY

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and genital lesions can cause significant emotional and physical discomfort for many people.  Because lesions in the genital area can be a source of embarrassment, many people do not get them treated promptly.  To prevent a worsening of the condition or spread of the disease, it’s vitally important that you have any suspicious genital conditions assessed and treated by a qualified physician.  STDs are actually very common, and treatment / removal of lesions is routinely performed in the office, and easier than you may imagine.   treats patients with compassion, understanding and education for these common afflictions.

There are many different types of sexually transmitted diseases, which can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain or soreness, unusual lumps, itching, pain during urination or intercourse, sores in the genital region, and genital discharge.  There are also a variety of genital lesions and infections that are not sexually transmitted, but should be treated.   will discuss all your treatment options, as well as help you to develop a program to diminish transmitting the disease to a partner.

Call to make an appointment if you:
Develop unexplained genital lesions
Notice changes in an existing lesion
Have sexual contact with an infected partner
Suspect that you may have an STD
Desire STD education and testing
We now offer the Gardasil vaccine for our adult patients
While all procedures carry some risk and uncertainty, the treatment of STDs and genital lesions is normally safe when performed by a qualified, experienced dermatologist.  Dr. Seidenberg will meet with you to assess your condition and discuss your options for treatment, including any possible side effects that you may experience.  Request an appointment online or call today to set up a consultation